Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hello Blog.

Hello, Blog. You're yellow, Blog. Hello, yellow Mr. Blog.


Wow! Where have I been? I think I have lost my blogging-ness. YKWIM? And this post is making no sense whatsoever so far.

But exciting things have been happening over the last couple of months! First and foremost - Macy is going to be a big sister! Baby #2 will be here around late July, and we should find out on March 21 whether it's a boy or a girl. I've always thought I wanted a boy and a girl, but the closer it gets, I think I'd really love for Macy to have a little sister. But, it'll be exciting either way. I'm just not going to know what to do with a boy!

In other news, we have a trip to Disney World coming up! This visit to the mouse house will kind of be several things wrapped into one - a honeymoon that we never went on, our first big family vacation, Macy's 2nd birthday trip, a get-away before Baby #2 gets here. I think it'll be... interesting... but we're looking forward to it!

And as mentioned, Macy will turn two years old in about ten days. How did that happen? No, seriously, where did the last two years go? So in addition to trip planning, I've also been party planning, and still don't have a date set quite yet. I've got the theme though! And it has something to do with.. a girly mouse.

Perhaps one day soon I will come back and update on our trip and party, and maybe include pics and stuff. Sadly, my camera currently has a layer of dust on it about 3/4 of an inch thick.

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