She is blabbing up a storm and quickly learning new words. Here's her vocabulary so far:
- bye-bye
- mama
- dada
- nana (banana)
- momo (cat.. our cat's name is Moby, but we call him MoMo)
- momo (Elmo)
- daw (dog)
- baw (ball or balloon)
- no/no-no
- uh-ohhh!
- bubba (bubble)
- num (for "naam," which means water/sippy cup)
- bah! (for "bai!" which means "let's go!")
- gai (chicken)
Sign Language (she doesn't really know how to use these properly, but if I say the words, she can sign them)
- eat
- more
- all done
She went to her one-year checkup a few weeks ago, and is average for height and weight, at 21 pounds and 29 inches. She is wearing a size 3 diaper (size 4 at night) and size 12 month clothing, with some 18 month stuff here and there, and a size 5 shoe.
And speaking of clothing, I have been loving shopping for her some spring/summer clothes - sundresses, t-shirts and shorts, and swimsuits - eep! We finally got her a little pair of sandals too, which I love. They're the white Mooshu sqeakers with the little slots for interchangeable bows! That way, she can wear the same pair of shoes, while switching out and wearing coordinating/matching bows! Needless to say, I've done a little shopping on Etsy for some bows... and thinking about learning how to make them myself.
She knows where her hair, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, belly button, and toes are.
So that concludes this edition of a Macy update! Time to go make that marking on her new wall growth chart...