Really? It's been like two and a half months since I last updated? I must lead a really boring life; need to work on that. Help?
Since there's never anything to write about except the little munchkin, I figured I'd post about her being, well, 18 months. We went for a checkup a couple of weeks ago and she looks great. Her stats are as follows:
Height: 31.75 inches
Weight: 23 lbs 7 oz
Head circ: 46 cm
So that means in the past six months, she has gained about 2.5 pounds and is 2.75 inches taller. She is still in a size 3 diaper (size 4 at night), but she has gone up a shoe size to a size 6. She is in 18 month clothing - mostly. I have a feeling it will be hard to buy jeans for her this fall, because the 18 month size is too big in the waist, and the 12 month ones fit in the waist, but the legs are too short. Guess I'll need to really do some shopping around.
We got Macy a school bus slide thing for her 18 month 'birthday.' We would have waited until Christmas to get it for her as a big gift, but since she had started to climb up on everything, we decided to to ahead and get it for her so she could get some practice, both on climbing and sliding. She goes up and down about 4,058 times a day.
I signed Macy up for Kindermusik recently, which we have been going to for the past month or so? I enjoy going to it. And I think Macy does? Maybe? I'm not really sure. Because she wanders around most of the time and then about halfway through gets whiny and wants to go. Seriously? She's never around other kids except at Kindermusik and there's songs to be sung and all kinds of fun stuff to do (I think she does enjoy all that though) and it gets us out of the house for a little while, so I don't really understand why she always wants to go after we sing the welcome song. Attention span of a fly, I tell ya. Anyway, I do plan on signing up for next semester too.
And it is now October, which means we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the newest addition to the Nowell family, who will be here very soon! October is my favorite month - fall, fair, festivals, birthday, friends' birthdays, and Halloween! Still trying to decide on a costume for Macy. I'm leaning strongly towards either a ladybug or Alice (in Wonderland). We will see. I probably will not take her trick-or-treating around the neighborhood since she is still so little, but we will probably go to the trunk-or-treat at the park the Thursday before Halloween. Oh! And another thing I look forward to is starting a tradition of going to the pumpkin patch and going on a hayride and taking pics in fields of pumpkins and choosing one to bring home! Eeps!